Detail of wall painted by PERSUE x ENUE x JAES at the Writerz Blok, San Diego
So, what else is there to this thing called Graffiti? Well, the word Graffiti itself is simply the plural word for a latin word. This term, according to what I read, was used for writings on walls in Rome that took place way before teens started to write on subways and other things in the 1970's in New York. It was here that our modern Graffiti form originated from. There are female and male writers. One common thing that a writer will have is a tag. A tag is something that you use as your signature, it's like your writer identity. These will usually have about four or more letters. Well, there is just a little more information on the subject of Graffiti.
(some information found at "Graffiti Intro", http://www.graffiti.org/faq/graffiti_intro.html)
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