"Many writers object to the terms "graffiti," "artist," "spraycan art," "graff," and other common terms used to describe the imagesThe best year we show at Art Crimes and those who make them. Although these terms are weak or have undesirable connotations, we think the currently preferred term, "writer," does not adequately set graffiti writers apart from book authors or journalists, which causes some confusion outside the community. Phase 2 prefers "style writing," which is a better but lesser-known term. This site uses "graffiti," because we think this word still has the most recognition and precision and using it makes Art Crimes more findable with search engines." -Art Crimes
When I searched for information on graffiti art, I came across an interesting website called "Art Crimes-The Writing on the Wall" at www.graffiti.org. Here you can find tons of artwork and and those who make them. As confirmed by the site's "About Us" page, grafitti art is mostly done illegally. While there may be some markings here and there that we see on public walls around us, and while there has been a word for it called "vandalism", not all "artists" use spray paint to simply disrespect a business by spraying it's walls or to "tag" a fence as their territory. In fact, there are many true artists who do not wish to be called artists at all. They prefer to be called "writers".
There is something in me that has started to adore this type of "art". As I began to just dip my pen into the ink...so to speak...of really learning about this "writing", I found it interesting and something I might start to like. I think apart of that reason is because it can incorporate writing and because it is so different from other art forms. I read a quote from one of the first founders of this "art".
"The best year for graffiti was 1973," he ruminates. "Styles were coming out. We got into this thing with colors. First it was two colors, then three colors, then four. What makes me a powerful artist, " he states, " is that my paintings are alive, strong and very bright. The color combos make it. Balance: each color as strong as it is enhances the color beside it, going back and forth. Giving style and balance and movement, that is what makes a good artist." -from (http://www.bronxmall.com/tracy168/past.html)
Like all art, I think there are definitely some works of graffiti that I might not respect very much because of the content, and with graffiti art there are many times when there is a message and a point that will cause it's viewer to agree or not. However, this art from that started in the Bronx, has been used to bring positive messages, and bring attention and remembrance to very important moments.
Graffitti it is! Keep exploring: who, where, what and why's...